Letters of Recomendation

Needless to say, Letters of Recommendation are an important aspect of your application.

The more competitive the program you apply for, the more the letter counts in the final decision-making process of admission committee.

A genuine, credible and authentic letter can make you land in the admit list.

In fact, Letter of recommendation is so important that it can kill an otherwise a winning application.

So, you should tread this part of your application very carefully.

We help you out with entire gamut of queries related to managing a winning letter thorough addressing relevant queries such as:

  • Who should write it?
  • What all aspects should it cover?
  • When and how should you approach your referee?
  • What all you should provide your referee with?
  • Should you waive your rights?
  • If required, we prepare a tentative draft of letter.

Join us for a stellar LOR, as we make it easier for admission committee to decide it in YOUR favor.