MBA Application: Mistakes to avoid

Avoid common mistakes in your MBA application

MBA Application: Mistakes to avoid

1.    No need to hurry


The golden rule is: Apply when you are ready!

There is no reward on an early submission. Put your head down and keep working on your essays and other details. Hit the submit button only after you have exhausted all your efforts.


2.    Let your honesty and authenticity speak through your application


You must appear genuine and realistic in your application.  

We have come across clients who claim too many credentials that appear extremely difficult to attain considering other details in application.

Adcom members are highly experienced and have sifted through hundreds of applicants like you. It is better not to try to outsmart them.      


3.    Social media profile in sync with application


Admission committee members may resort to social media audit for a deeper insight into your personality. A quick glance through your posts, likes, dislikes and other activities will help them make a credible assessment about you and the value you will bring to the class.

So make sure your social media profiles and application are aligned.


4.    Redundancy and correctness


Make sure to check your application for spellings and other grammatical mistakes.

You must value every word space available to you. Every word or line in your application must have some purpose. Every aspect of your application must compliment and supplement each other to make a coherent and consistent story.  


5.    Generic resume and essays


Almost all reputed schools are highly selective about the applicants they are selecting. They come up with unique ways to screen the applicants. Not responding to the queries will be disastrous and will make it easier for admission committee to reject you in the very beginning.

Hence, you must avoid generic responses in your application.  All aspects of your application must be specific to the school and course you are applying.


There are many such avoidable mistakes that make an otherwise bright prospect straight to the reject list. There is no harm in taking professional help from a credible admission consultant.

Good luck with your application journey !    

Common mistakes to avoid in MBA application

Common mistakes to avoid in MBA application